Sunday 4 January 2015

Day 4: "Carrying weight"

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Today's theme "carrying weight"

My fitness challenge: My goal is to do 3 x 30 supported pull-ups at Level 1 by 30th January 2015. And to write a poem everyday.

My progress: Today I did fitness training at home, as part of a "rest day" to ensure I don't injure myself during the challenge. I did 3 x 20 2kg arm curls (the photo above shows the weights I used), yoga stretching like this, and 3 x count of 30 plank (no, those photos are not of me!). 

Some facts about the weight of living for women in developing countries. Did you know that many women, including pregnant women, carry water often for kilometres? So while I am working with a 2km hand-weight to try to build my strength in an air-conditioned house, poor women children spend 200 million hours a day collecting water. reports that "Nearly 1.5 million children under the age of five die every year from diarrhea globally". Babies within their first 30 days also die from poor access to safe drinking water.

Today's poem:


I start with a homophone.

To explain.
I have discovered that the words that we use,
(you and I)
intersect. Yes:
somewhere in English.
perhaps in a poster?
or a handout caught by wind?
perhaps on a sign left behind?

mother: somewhere between your poverty
and my Soda Stream bubbled air-conditioning
I pump 2kg weights
While you for water wait. 
Wait. Then walk.

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